Geomembrane Wholesale Prices

what is geomembrane


A geomembrane is a type of barrier that is used to prevent the movement of liquids or gases through the ground. They are often made from materials such as polyethylene or PVC, and are used in applications such as waste containment, waterproofing, and environmental protection. The main function of a geomembrane is to provide a barrier that prevents the movement of liquids or gases through the ground, and they are often used in applications where it is necessary to protect against the potential contamination of soil or water.


Geomembrane Wholesale Prices

  • 150g black geomembrane price 9 yuan
  • The price of 150g white geomembrane is 1.10 yuan
  • The price of 200 grams of green geomembrane is 1.30 yuan
  • The price of 250g filter element geomembrane is 1.9 yuan

Geomembrane construction is relatively simple, just laying and sewing. If it is a large-scale flat building, about 1 yuan per square meter is enough. Of course, this is only an estimate under most operating conditions. I’m sure most construction sites can handle it. There are too many geomembrane series, so I can’t tell you the price in detail. Common short-filament geomembranes will tell you. The general specification of 300g geomembrane is 3.3 yuan/square meter; the specification of 400g geomembrane is 4 yuan/square meter.

According to different construction environments, the requirements for geomembrane standards are also different. There are many types of geomembranes and their prices vary. Geomembranes are divided into non-woven membranes and woven fabrics according to different production processes. Staple filament geomembranes and filament geomembranes are widely used and common, and belong to non-woven geomembranes.

The unit price of 600g filament geomembrane is about 5.4 yuan, and the unit price of short fiber geomembrane is about 5.2 yuan. The price of filament geomembrane is slightly higher. There is only one kind of pure white national standard for filament geomembrane. 100g black geomembrane and green geomembrane belong to non-standard short filament geomembrane. The unit price of 100g black geomembrane is about 0.6 yuan. 100g green geomembrane is divided into dark green geomembrane and grass green geomembrane. The unit price of dark green geomembrane is about 0.75 yuan/square meter, and the unit price of grass green geomembrane is about 0.82 yuan/square meter.


The function of geomembrane

A geomembrane is a type of barrier that is used to prevent the movement of liquids or gases through the ground. They are often used in applications such as waste containment, waterproofing, and environmental protection. Geomembranes are typically made from materials such as polyethylene or PVC, which are strong, flexible, and resistant to degradation from exposure to the elements. The main function of a geomembrane is to provide a barrier that prevents the movement of liquids or gases through the ground, and they are often used in applications where it is necessary to protect against the potential contamination of soil or water.

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